Lab Canada

Call for IAFP 2013 award nominations

Des Moines, Iowa – The International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) is calling for nominations for their 2013 Association Awards. There are 16 awards to be awarded at their annual meeting held this year July 28-31 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Some of the awards will be the: Black Pearl award presented in recognition of a company’s outstanding commitment to and achievement in corporate excellence in food safety and quality; the Food Safety Innovation Award presented to a member or organization for creating a new idea, practice, or product that has had a positive impact on food safety, thus, improving public health, and the quality of life; the International Leadership Award presented to an individual for dedication to the high ideals and objectives of IAFP and for promotion of the mission of the Association in countries outside of the United States and Canada, the Maurice Weber Laboratorian Award  presented to an individual for outstanding contributions in the laboratory, recognizing a commitment to the development of innovative and practical analytical approaches in support of food safety, among others

All nominations and applications must be received at the IAFP office by Tuesday, February 26, 2013. You need not be an IAFP Member to nominate a deserving professional or colleague.

For more information and a full list of awards go to: