Lab Canada


News Laboratory

Top 10 young scientists named to Team Canada

March 17, 2003 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON March 17, 2003 As part of its celebration of Youth Science Month in Canada, Youth Science Foundation Canada today announced that ten young scientists from across the country have been selected to represent our nation as Team Canada…
News LaboratoryNew Technology & Applications

Life sciences briefs from Industry Canada (March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 17, 2003 The following life sciences news briefs were recently published by the Life Sciences Branch of Industry Canada. 1) PHARMACEUTICALS UPDATE YM BioSciences and FDA Agree On Pivotal Trial Protocol YM BioSciences Inc (Mississauga) announced that…
News Laboratory

Biotech firm signs out-license deal worth $30M

March 17, 2003 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC March 17, 2003 BioAxone Therapeutic, a Montreal-based neuroscience company, says it has entered into a license and supply agreement with an American biotechnology company. The deal, which the company says is worth approximately $30 million, consists of a…
News Laboratory

Senior management change at Celmed BioSciences

March 17, 2003 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC March 17, 2003 Biotech firm Celmed BioSciences today saw the departure of president and chief executive officer Jacques M Saint-Denis. He will be replaced on an interim basis by Dr Andre de Villers, vice chairman of the board…
News Laboratory

Federal government partners with aerospace firm in C$14M R&D project

March 17, 2003 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC March 17, 2003 The federal government has announced it is making a C$5.6-million strategic investment as part of a $14-million project being undertaken by aerospace company PyroGenesis. Funded through Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), the investment is intended to…
News Laboratory

Nova Scotia company chosen as a Canadian innovation leader

March 14, 2003 by Lab Canada Meteghan River, NS March 14, 2003 A Digby County, NS company is being promoted as a national role model for innovation in Canada. Allan Rock, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the National Research Council (NRC), and Robert Thibault,…
News LaboratoryNew Technology & Applications

NRC expanding reach of industrial materials cluster

March 13, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 13, 2003 The National Research Council (NRC), along with Canada Economic Development and Valotech, recently announced new investments toward the creation of a new Industry Partnership Facility at the NRC Industrial Materials Institute (NRC-IMI) in Boucherville, QC.…
News Laboratory

BC Science awards open for nominations

March 13, 2003 by Lab Canada Burnaby, BC March 13, 2003 The Science Council of British Columbia is accepting nominations for the 2003 Science Council Awards, which recognize outstanding achievements by the province’s scientists, engineers, industrial innovators, and science communicators. The Science Council Awards are the…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: Collaboration to optimize management of analytical data

March 13, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida March 13, 2003 The informatics business of Thermo Electron (formerly known as Thermo LabSystems and Thermo Galactic) is working with IBM Life Sciences Group to develop a joint solution to support the global life sciences community in managing,…
News Laboratory

Scientists of tomorrow get Ontario government support

March 12, 2003 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON March 12, 2003 The Ontario government has committed C$240,000 in funding to Sci-Tech Ontario to increase youth awareness of science, technology and innovation, Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation Jim Flaherty has announced. Sci-Tech Ontario is a non-profit…
News Laboratory

$22 million research grant program in Alberta

March 12, 2003 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB March 12, 2003 The Alberta Science and Research Investments Program (ASRIP) is a competitive funding program that supports selected science and research initiatives of strategic importance to Alberta. The program has two distinct funding streams: Research Infrastructure and…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: First two Thermo companies abolish their old names under “Thermo One” plan

March 12, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida March 12, 2003 Thermo LabSystems and Thermo Galactic are the first two businesses within the Thermo Electron group to dispense with their old company names. The two have combined their informatics businesses under the Thermo Electron banner, and…
News General Science & ResearchLaboratoryNew Technology & Applications

Life sciences news briefs from Industry Canada (March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 12, 2003 The following life sciences news briefs were recently published by the Life Sciences Branch of Industry Canada. 1) PHARMACEUTICALS UPDATE MDS Pharma Services Expands Ligand Binding CapabilitiesMDS Pharma Services (Montreal), a premier provider of innovative…
News Laboratory

$700,000 grant to stimulate the concrete industry

March 11, 2003 by Lab Canada Sherbrooke, QC — March 11, 2003 A new Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair at the Universit de Sherbrooke has created, whose work will focus on concrete structure analysis. The chair will be provided with $700,000…
News Laboratory

Nominations open for this year’s Herzberg Medal

March 11, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 11, 2003 With its April 15 submission deadline fast approaching, nominations are being sought for this year’s NSERC Herzberg Medal. Named in honour of the late Dr Gerhard Herzberg, Canada’s 1971 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, the…
News Laboratory

Mathematical sciences’ centre opens in Banff

March 11, 2003 by Lab Canada Banff, AB March 11, 2003 The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) has opened in Banff. A collaborative Canada-US venture, BIRS provides an environment for creative interaction and the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and methods within…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: University of Alberta professor receives Spectroscopy Award

March 11, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida March 11, 2003 Dr Gary Horlick, professor of chemistry at the University of Alberta, today receives the 2003 Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award from the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh. Having pioneered the application of linear image sensors (photo diode arrays)…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: Companies work with IBM to transform R&D processes to near real-time

March 10, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida — March 10, 2003 — More than 30 of the world’s leading analytical instrument and tools companies are using IBM middleware, server platforms and services to develop comprehensive solutions for the life sciences marketplace, IBM announced today at…
News Laboratory

Industry expert to head new design engineering chair

March 10, 2003 by Lab Canada Kingston, ON March 10, 2003 Professor David Strong has been named chairholder of a new NSERC Chair in Design Engineering at Queen’s University. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) is providing C$1 million over five years for the…
News Laboratory

Research to focus on creating biodegradable polymers from oilseeds

March 10, 2003 by Lab Canada Calgary, AB March 10, 2003 A new research program focusing on creating biodegradable polymers from Alberta oilseeds has received C$500,000 in funding from Calgary-based not-for-profit investment firm AVAC and Alberta’s Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science at the University…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: “One Thermo” strategy moves ahead for Thermo Electron

March 10, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida March 10, 2003 Marijin Dekkers, president and CEO of Thermo Electron, today outlined the company’s "One Thermo" strategy at the 2003 Pittsburgh Conference (Pittcon) in Orlando. "Pittcon is where the newest products are announced. It’s where changing industry…
News Laboratory

News from Pittcon: New business to reshape laboratory services

March 10, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, Florida — March 10, 2003 — A comprehensive service and support business for laboratories called OneSource was launched today at Pittcon by PerkinElmer. “Within the life and analytical sciences marketplace, customers are seeking to streamline their supply chain through…
News Laboratory

Countdown on for Pittcon 2003

March 7, 2003 by Lab Canada Orlando, FL March 7, 2003 Only two days are left until the opening of what is said to be the world’s largest exposition and technical conference on laboratory science, Pittcon 2003. Taking place from March 9-14, 2003, at the Orange…
News Laboratory

Scientists in BC and Stockholm collaborate on forestry resources

March 7, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, On March 7, 2003 Two world leading forestry genomics teams from Canada and Sweden have announced a wide-ranging collaboration between their projects. The partnership allows researchers from both countries to strengthen their research projects by pooling their sequencing data…
News Laboratory

Change of name for Sterling Pulp Chemicals

March 6, 2003 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON — March 6, 2003 — ERCO Worldwide is the new name for Sterling Pulp Chemicals. The company says the name ERCO refers to its 100-year history as a supplier of quality bleaching systems and products to the pulp…
News Laboratory

Demo site chosen for world’s largest solid oxide fuel cell

March 6, 2003 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON March 6, 2003 Ontario Power Generation and Siemens Westinghouse have announced that the University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) will be the location for the first pre-commercial demonstration of the world’s largest solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power…
News Laboratory

Ontario bioscience clusters join in Ontario BioAlliance

March 6, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 6, 2003 Ontario’s key bioscience clusters and organizations promoting the growth of bioscience and attracting investment have come together to form the Ontario BioAlliance. One of the first initiatives of the Ontario BioAlliance is a joint marketing…
News Laboratory

Salmonella testing technology gets approval

March 6, 2003 by Lab Canada Laval, QC March 6, 2003 Food safety technology company Warnex has received independent validation of its new food safety test for detecting Salmonella. The company says it has been granted “Laboratory Procedure” status in Canada, so it is now set…
News Laboratory

Agreement finalized for commercialization of stent coating technology

March 6, 2003 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC March 6, 2003 MIV Therapeutics and the University of British Columbia (UBC) have completed two license agreements to facilitate the transfer of UBC’s HAp coating technology to MIV Therapeutics research and manufacturing facility for commercial development. The HAp…
News Laboratory

Countdown on for Canada’s newest university

March 5, 2003 by Lab Canada Oshawa, ON March 5, 2003 In six months, Canada’s newest university will make history by welcoming its first class of students. With most of its first-year faculty hired, programs developed, and new academic and residence buildings taking shape, the University…
News Laboratory

Life sciences news briefs from Industry Canada (March 05, 2003)

March 5, 2003 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON March 5, 2003 The following life sciences news briefs were recently published by the Life Sciences Branch of Industry Canada. 1) PHARMACEUTICALS UPDATE Dimethaid Enters Next Phase of European Mutual Recognition Procedure:Dimethaid Research Inc. (Toronto) has formally submitted…
News Laboratory

Biotech partnership facility for plant science research opens in Saskatchewan

March 5, 2003 by Lab Canada Saskatoon, SK March 5, 2003 Yesterday saw the official opening of the NRC Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) Industry Partnership Facility, in which a number of innovative plant-science companies were welcomed to Saskatchewan’s newest facility for research and innovation. The new…