Lab Canada

New director appointed to National Research Council

Ottawa, ON March 25, 2003 Allan Rock, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for Canada’s National Research Council (NRC), has announced the appointment of Dr Inge Russell to the council for a three-year term.

“This appointment strengthens the National Research Council in many ways,” says Minister Rock. “Dr Russell has extensive experience in innovative business as well as knowledge of regional economies and research fields critical to NRC’s Technology Clusters Strategy and the NRC Vision 2006.”

Dr Russell received a Registered Medical Technologist certification from Regional School of Medical Technology, a BSc from the University of Western Ontario, and MSc, PhD and DSc degrees from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

Until she took early retirement in 2001, she had worked at John Labatt Company since 1976, starting as a Research Scientist and Manager and finishing as a Business Partner — Marketing Innovation Group. Since 1997, she has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario in the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department.

With an outstanding research and teaching career in the area of yeast biotechnology and fermentation, Dr Russell obtained the first patent in Canada for a genetically manipulated yeast constructed for fuel ethanol production. She has been an international lecturer in this field, as well as on innovation and mentoring. Her most recent work with Labatt was in the area of innovation leveraging creativity and innovation for competitive advantage.

Dr Russell has also been editor or a member of the editorial board for numerous scientific and technical journals and books, and has authored or co-authored more than 150 papers, patents, books and review articles.

She is well known not only for her scientific and industrial work, but also for volunteer work promoting science and technology – specifically for encouraging women to pursue this field.