Lab Canada

Short course program ready for Pittcon 2014

Pittsburgh, PA – The course listing for Pittcon 2014’s Short Course program has been finalized and is now available for registration. 2014. Short Courses are taught by industry experts; range from half-day up to two-day classes; and include beginner, intermediate, and advanced level curricula. Pittcon 2014 runs March 1 – 6 at the McCormick Center in Chicago.

This year, 51 new courses were added in the fields of nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, data analysis, chromatography, lab management and analytical methods. The courses help laboratory personnel to understand current industry trends, prepare them for the challenges of changing environments and assist with achieving educational and developmental career goals. A number of new titles will be offered in communications such as grant writing and career building strategies.

“There’s much more value to taking a Short Course than the educational experience and the honing of current skills,” said Joseph Grabowski, short course chairman. The courses “offer a unique opportunity to expand one’s network of scientific resources by providing a venue to interact with colleagues from all over the world working in many different fields.”


Deadline for discounted registration fees is February 10, and prices range from $270 to $960.