Lab Canada

PM unveils science and technology strategy

Waterloo, ON – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has unveiled his government’s new national science and technology strategy. Providing a broad overview of the government’s plans, the announcement was made during a visit to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics on Thursday May 17.

He indicated that his government wants to make it easier for businesses to create and commercialize new products and services, and to that end, plans to improve the scientific research and experiemental development tax.

He said the strategy includes plans to create a regulatory regime that will “spur scientific progress in the pursuit of public objectives.” While expanding and improving government and business partnerships, areas of focus will include preserving the environment, improving public health, developing natural resources and producing new information and communications technologies.

Boosted funding for scholarships and increased support for research internships are also included, in order to increase the number of students entering scientific and technology careers.

Funding for the strategy will come from the $9.2 billion already allocated for science and technology expenditures in the current budget.