Lab Canada

$2M to help attract first-time industrial users to synchrotron

Saskatoon, SK – A new program that will offer reduced fees to first-time users of the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron is receiving $2 million in funding from the federal government. The program is intended to give industry a strong incentive to conduct research at the facility.

“The Canadian Light Source is already a global leader in making the power of synchrotron light available to industry,” says William Thomlinson, executive director of the CLS. “This program enhances Canada’s synchrotron as the source of cutting edge solutions for research and development, commercialization and quality assurance.”

The program is expected to attract an estimated 50 new industrial clients. Reductions in user fees will be based on the size and timeframe of the research project. Ultimately, the CLS says it aims to have 25% of its use to come from industry.