Lab Canada

Clinical research partnership is renewed

Ottawa, ON – The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D) have renewed a research partnership.

The partnership seeks to strengthen Canada’s position as a preferred location to conduct clinical research. Specifically, it will play a key role in the implementation of the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, a national initiative that was announced last August with the goal of improving translation of research findings into clinical practice.

Through the partnership, CIHR and Rx&D member companies will fund clinical research across Canada through a competitive, peer-reviewed process and to improve the coordination of research activities. Rx&D member companies have set an objective to match CIHR clinical research commitments dollar-for-dollar.

“This partnership will better integrate health research and health care. By bringing together researchers and industry, this partnership will accelerate the development of new clinical practices and health products which will have a direct impact on treatment and services provided to patients,” says Dr Alain Beaudet, CIHR’s president.

Over the past ten years, CIHR and Rx&D have partnered on a collaborative research funding program. The program has supported a wide range of health research projects at universities and hospitals across Canada.

“The innovative pharmaceutical industry plays a critical role in the discovery and development of medicines and vaccines that improve and save lives,” said Russell Williams, President of Rx&D.  “It is our goal, through this partnership, to outpace global competition and to build Canada’s position as a leader in clinical research, to create jobs and increase R&D investments in Canada for the benefit of all Canadians.”