Lab Canada

Calling Alberta researchers: Government wants your input…today

Edmonton, AB – Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions is seeking input from researchers involved in basic discovery and translational science research as background to a forum taking place on November 7 and 8 at the Shaw Conference Center in Edmonton. The forum, called Science behind the Outcomes, will explore resources and provincial platforms critical to basic discovery and translational science research.

The two-day forum will:

  • articulate research platforms and explore capacity and capabilities essential to the success of basic discovery and translational science;
  • hear about innovation platforms in development within Alberta and define enhancements that would improve success in basic discovery and translational science; and
  • identify skill sets and support needs required to support basic researchers along the translation pipeline.

In advance of the forum, Alberta Innovates would like the basic discovery and translational research community to provide input into priorities for provincial platforms that will support basic discovery research in Alberta. Input received will be collated and included in related discussions at the forum. Deadline for responses is the end of day, November 5.

The survey can be accessed here: