Lab Canada

Polymer expert wins Purvis memorial award

Montreal, QC – February 23, 2004 – Dr Musa Kamal, a leader in the fields of polymer engineering and processing, is receiving the Purvis award from the Society of Chemical Industry at the 2004 SCI Canada awards dinner in Toronto on February 25.

A professor in the department of chemical engineering at McGill, Dr Kamal holds a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois, an MEng in chemical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University, and a PhD in chemical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University.

He is being recognized for his pioneering research in polymer science, including the development of models for simulation and control of polymer processing operations. He has also made significant academic contributions, including introducing innovative courses and programs in the fields of chemical engineering and polymer technology.

The SCI Canada annual awards dinner acknowledges Canadian business and academic leaders for service and superior contribution in their fields. The Purvis award, initiated in 1947, honours the memory of Arthur Blaikie Purvis, born in London, UK in 1890, who became a leader in Canadian industry serving in an administrative capacity in World Wars I and II.

The Purvis memorial award is given to key managers from Canadian industry, or Canadian academics closely connected with industry, who through leadership in their field of endeavour, have significantly strengthened the industry, or academic or research institutions relied upon by the industry. This definition of industry includes not only traditional chemical manufacture and distribution, but also industries such as coatings, crop protection, environmental services, food, pharmaceuticals, plastics, pulp and paper, and synthetic fibres.