Lab Canada

New academic alliances forming between Canada and developing countries

Ottawa, ON – The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canada Research Chairs program are launching a joint initiative to pair leading researchers from universities in Canada with those in developing countries to collaborate on issues of mutual concern. Each team will receive up to C$1 million over five years to address key development challenges while mentoring a new generation of scholars and practitioners

The International Research Chairs Initiative will support the creation of up to five IDRC Research Chairs based at universities in the developing world. Each chair will define a five-year research program in collaboration with a top Canadian researcher.

“As part of the International Research Chairs Initiative, researchers in the developing world and their Canadian counterparts will bring their minds to bear on finding solutions to development problems,” says Maureen O’Neil, IDRC president. “Through strategic alliances, the initiative will also help to strengthen universities in the developing world in their mission of creating and disseminating knowledge at the service of their societies.”

Researchers and representatives from Canadian universities or from universities in eligible developing countries are invited to apply for funding under this initiative, which will encourage research in four areas:

– Environment and natural resource management;
– Information and communication technologies for development;
– The impact of science, technology and innovation policies on development; and
– Social and economic policy related to poverty reduction, growth, health and human rights.

In addition to identifying new avenues for knowledge, policy, and technology transfer, these partnerships will provide university students with unique training and fieldwork opportunities under the mentorship of the chair holders.