Lab Canada

Mining minerals research the focus of new collaboration

Saskatoon, SK – A Mining Materials Research Cluster is being formed in Saskatchewan, which will conduct research into the corrosion of materials used in the fabrication of mineral processing and mining equipment used in Saskatchewan’s potash industry. The cluster arises from agreements between University of Regina, the University of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification Canada, and the International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII), which works on behalf of the potash industry and provincial government members.

Under the terms of the agreements, the IMII will fund the research cluster for four years to a maximum of $1.2 million. It will be supported by funding from Western Economic Diversification Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and MITACS. Western Economic Diversification Canada is contributing $915,000 to the cluster.

“The IMII is pleased that four research and development projects are poised to start up the new research cluster,” said Al Shpyth, executive director, International Minerals Innovation Institute. “Participating in the research cluster and its first four projects are the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Engineering – Departments of Chemical & Biological Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and College of Arts and Science – Department of Chemistry, the University of Regina’s Faculty of Environmental Systems Engineering, and the Canadian Light Source in Saskatoon.”