Lab Canada

Research receives support in new Ontario budget

Toronto, ON – Ontario’s new budget was released yesterday and among the myriad funding announcements, is support for research in the province.

HIghlight included $300 million in new funding by the Ministry of Research and Innovation, specifically:

– $250 million over the next five years to the Ontario Research Fund for supporting research infrastructure, such as laboratories and equipment, at Ontario institutions. This will help institutions leverage at least $375 million from the federal government, private sector and other sources, and attract and retain talented researchers. Priority areas include bio-economy/clean technology, advanced health technologies and creative industries (eg, digital media).

– $7.5 million to the University of Western Ontario to support interdisciplinary research into chemicals and fuels made from agricultural resources.

– $3.5 million to the Youth Science Foundation Canada and $1.5 million to Let’s Talk Science.

– $5 million to the MaRS Discovery District to support its initiatives in commercialization.

– $6 million to expand the Innovation Demonstration Fund, which supports the commercialization and initial demonstration of innovative technologies, processes and/or products.

In addition, the government says it plans to contribute $25 million towards a centre of research and innovation in the bio-economy to be located in Thunder Bay.