Lab Canada

Board appointment for Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence

Edmonton, AB March 26, 2003 Dr Dick Peter, Alberta Research Council (ARC), has been appointed to the Board of the Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence (EWMCE), following the center’s February 27 incorporation as a non-profit organization.

Dr Peter is vice president of ARC’s Integrated Resource Management division. The division has a broad mandate encompassing air, land and water use in Alberta and beyond, with a particular focus on the human impacts of development.

EWMCE functions as a North American hub for research in solid waste and wastewater treatment, blending modern waste management facilities with the resources of municipal government, research and educational institutions, and select companies.

“The center’s key strength lies in the combined resources of its highly regarded partners,” says Dr Peter. “These partners offer diverse, inter-linked resources, expertise in research and development, and education and training, creating a dynamic climate for innovation.”

In addition to the Alberta Research Council, EWMCE partners include the City of Edmonton, AMEC Earth and Environmental, the University of Alberta, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and Olds College. Other board members are Gary Kachanoski (University of Alberta), Al Maurer (City of Edmonton), Rick Tofani (Olds College Centre for Innovation), Shirley Holloway (NAIT), and Wit Siemieniuk (AMEC Earth and Environmental).