Lab Canada

Product News

Protocol shows way to improve sulfur determination

A proprietary Inductive Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) sample preparation protocol has been developed that allows regular, reproducible detection of Sulfur at trace levels of only tens of parts-per-million (ppm).

The new protocol provides an affordable alternative to ICP-MS based methods for determining low ppm levels of sulfur in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, natural products, fuels, geological and nanoparticulate materials.

After trialling various sample weights, Warwick Analytical Service (WAS) scientists were able to determine a suitable measure to give the most accurate results. WAS found that a larger volume of sample was more suitable but not so large that the microwave digestion process was incomplete. The ICP conditions used for low level Sulfur determinations typically requires a high purge for over an hour with the nebulizer and coil power set to axial view.

For a copy of an application report describing the new Sulfur protocol in more detail please contact Warwick Analytical Service

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