Lab Canada

Product News

Device determines sanitary conditions

New analytical device called the Precision Microslide is designed for testing air, solutions, and surfaces to allow for the determination of sanitary conditions. Often, upon sanitizing a surface, it is assumed that when the sanitizing agent is present at the appropriate level, the microbicidal activity has rendered the surface as safe and free of contaminants. However, many microbes can resist microbicidal agents. The new device provides a definitive test for sanitary conditions. It is a sterile, flexible, dual-agar bearing paddle used for selecting and growing specific microorganisms. It encompasses a wide selection of media, including several specific to food safety testing (Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, and more) sampling. The device can be produced with specific selective and differential media. It has also a free iPad app which can be used as a “comparator” to allow for enumeration and presumptive identification of the contaminant.

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