Lab Canada

Product News

Analyzer measures FOG from 1 PPM to 10%

Industrial and food processing plants that have high levels of fats, oil, and grease (FOG) in their effluents face strict wastewater regulations. The Wilks InfraCal 2 Analyzers provide accurate, easy, on-site analysis to help both regulators and industry comply with permit requirements and avoid potentially costly fines. The instruments now feature a multiple calibration option that allows for a wider measurement range – as low as 1 ppm up to 10 percent, providing greater flexibility for pretreatment operators and regulators to test a variety of samples. The analyzers are compact, fixed-filter, mid-infrared monitors with no moving parts. They weigh less than 5 pounds and are battery operable. This makes them portable, sturdy, and operational in a range of ambient conditions typically found in industrial and field environments.

With the analyzers, on-site results are attained in 10-15 minutes, eliminating the wait and high cost for remote lab results which can take several days to a week. A typical cost per test is in the $5 USD range. Further, the measurement procedure is simple enough for an operator with minimal training to do the analysis. Wilks – A Spectro Scientific Company

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