Lab Canada

Friday is deadline for Pittcon 2016 discounts

Pittsburgh, PA – This Friday, February 12, is the last day to register for Pittcon 2016 and receive a $150 discount. In addition, it’s also the deadline for discounts on Short Courses.

Said to be the world’s largest annual conference and exposition on laboratory science, Pittcon will be held from March 6-10, 2016, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. The event, in its 67th year, is expected to draw 16,000 attendees from 90 countries. It includes a five-day conference, a four-day expo with 900 exhibitors from 30 countries, 2,000 technical sessions focused on the latest research and development in a variety of fields, and 100 short courses for professional development.

Registration includes unlimited, week-long access to the expo floor, technical program, employment bureau, conferee networking sessions, mixers and all conference amenities.

The Short Course program for laboratory professionals includes more than 100 courses at beginner and intermediate levels. The courses cover relevant analytical topics in food science, water/wastewater, environmental, life science, and pharmaceutical, among others. Courses for broad-based application and general lab functions include lab management, quality control, technical writing, statistics, data analysis and lab safety.

“The Pittcon Short Course program is an affordable way for lab professionals to stay abreast of new techniques, continue their education, enhance skills and bring new efficiencies to the workplace,” said Amit Ghosh, Short Course chairman.

Fees for both Registration and Pittcon Short Courses are discounted until February 12.