Lab Canada

Quebec researchers receive excellence awards

Montreal, QC – Québec’s chief scientist, Rémi Quirion, has announced the three winners of the province’s 2016 Research Professionals Excellence Awards. The winners are:

Award winner, Fonds Nature et technologies: Denise Tremblay, research professional in Professor Sylvain Moineau’s laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, Université Laval.

Award winner, Fonds Santé: Dominique Petit, research agent, Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Integrated University Health and Social Services Center of Norddel’ÎledeMontréal.

Award winner, Fonds Société et culture: Marie-Frédérique Desbiens, Project coordinator, La vie littéraire au Québec, Interuniversity Research Centre for Québec Literature and Culture.

In addition to promoting careers in research, the competition aims to recognize the contribution of research professionals to research, knowledge mobilization, training for new generations of researchers or supporting groups of researchers in all areas covered by the three Fonds de recherche du Québec. Every year, each Fonds will award $5,000 to a research professional.