Lab Canada

Quantum research institute aims to change our world

Waterloo, ON – The Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) wants to become the world leader in the field of quantum information science and to develop technologies that will fundamentally impact the ways in which we work, communicate and live. Originally established in 2002 at the University of Waterloo, the multidisciplinary research institute has researchers from the faculties of science, engineering and mathematics. Now it has received renewed funding of $15 million over three years from the federal government.

Advances in quantum information research are beginning to transform not only computing, but information security and sensing technologies.

“IQC research doesn’t end in the laboratory,” said Professor Raymond Laflamme, IQC’s executive director. “IQC is doing research that will make a difference in the way Canadians live their lives.”

In 2009, the federal and Ontario governments each provided the institute with $50 million in funding, which was matched with $100 million from Mike Lazaridis. In the meantime, the institute has attracted international research talent, made significant discoveries and built a world-class centre for research in quantum technologies and its applications.