Lab Canada

Ottawa opens new Centre for Catalysis Research and Innovation

Ottawa, ON – A new Centre for Catalysis Research and Innovation has opened at the University of Ottawa. The centre will host leading-edge research in the field of catalysis which is a process that uses chemical reactions to manufacture chemicals, drugs, and fuel cells more efficiently.

“The Centre for Catalysis Research and Innovation is a truly remarkable, interdisciplinary initiative by the University of Ottawa, bringing together researchers in engineering, medicine, and science, to address issues of major importance on a global level,” says Howard Alper, the university’s vice-president (research).

The opening of the new centre was held earlier this month, and featured lectures by two Nobel Laureates, Dr Richard R Schrock, 2005 Nobel Laureate in chemistry, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dr K Barry Sharpless, 2001 Nobel Laureate in chemistry, the Scripps Research Institute.