Lab Canada

New minerals/metals research lab opens in Hamilton

Hamilton, ON – A new $40-million, state-of-art federal laboratory will provide key technology for industries that manufacture mineral and metal products. Located at the McMaster Innovation Park, the new CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL) celebrated its official opening last week.

The official ribbon cutting was attended by Christian Paradis, federal minister of natural resources, Bob Bratina, mayor of Hamilton; Patrick Deane, president of McMaster University; and Zach Douglas, president of the McMaster Innovation Park.

CANMET-MTL is dedicated to structural metals and alloys, materials design, pilot-scale processing and performance evaluation. Scientific and technical staff are involved in research and development to provide materials solutions for Canadian industry in the energy, transportation and metals-manufacturing sectors.

“CANMET’s move to McMaster Innovation Park represents a huge boost for the region’s and country’s economic development and prosperity,” said Patrick Deane. “Its central location in the heart of the manufacturing sector, combined with its proximity to McMaster’s research facilities and expertise, has created a dynamic materials and manufacturing research cluster. Not only will this help to keep Canada’s industries competitive on the global scale, it will ensure that we attract and train the best students and researchers.”

The new building will also be considered for certification at the Canada Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum level in late 2011.