Lab Canada

Cytokine research pioneer joins Trillium Therapeutics’ scientific advisory board

Toronto, ON – June 14, 2004 – Life sciences company Trillium Therapeutics says that Dr Marc Feldmann, a professor at Imperial College London and head of the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Division, has agreed to join the company’s scientific advisory board.

“Marc Feldmann is a pioneer in cytokine research and his work in the TNF field is benefiting an ever increasing number of patients with autoimmune disorders,” says Dr Niclas Stiernholm, TTI’s chief executive officer. “His experience and knowledge will provide us with an invaluable resource as we advance both our CD200 development candidate and our new cytokine antagonist program towards the clinic.”

Dr Feldmann is a leader in the field of TNF research and his work has paved the way for today’s blockbuster TNF-blocking drugs, which are now used in a variety of autoimmune disorders. He has authored over 600 scientific articles, has written and edited several books and serves on the editorial boards of a variety of scientific journals. He is the recipient of many awards, including the 2000 Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy and 2003 Albert Lasker Clinical Research Award. He is an inventor on numerous patents and is the founder of the 2001 start-up company, Synovis.

Trillium Therapeutics specializes in developing therapies that restore balance to the immune system in conditions associated with aberrant and harmful immune responses. These include autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, graft rejection, cancer and viral hepatitis.