Lab Canada

CFI releases strategic road map and seeks community feedback

Ottawa, ON – The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) says it has adopted a road map that outlines a strategic direction of the CFI as it looks ahead at the changing needs of Canada’s research enterprise. The organization is now seeking comments and feedback.

An evolution of a strategic plan for the use of $600 million from the 2009 federal budget allocation, the road map also builds on the various evaluations, consultations and stakeholder surveys the CFI has conducted over the past few years.

It looks at the role the CFI plays in supporting research in Canada and looks at the evolving environment in which it now operates. It examines the CFI mandate – to support world-class research, world-class talent and world-class innovation – and proposes a number of strategic directions, including:

– Investing in the highest levels of excellence;
– Sustaining and enhancing the capacity of Canada’s research enterprise;
– Forging productive partnerships; and
– Building global influence.

The CFI will be holding webinars on January 17 and 18, 2012, to present the road map and will answer any questions that come up.

The road map is attached to this story in pdf format, and the deadline for submitted comments is February 16, 2012.