Lab Canada

$7M supports transformative research in Alberta

Edmonton, AB – The Alberta Cancer Foundation is providing $7 million to four new research programs across the province, all of which are designed to transform patient outcomes.

The organization says this new “transformative program” funding is the first step in a long-term vision that will accelerate discovery and translate scientific research into practice. It is also part of its commitment to provide $120 million in funding to cancer research, treatment and care by 2017.

The four team leads and project titles receiving funding are as follows:

– Berthiaume, Luc – Pre-clinical development and clinical evaluation of a novel personalized treatment B cell lymphomas

– Goping, Ing Swie – BAD biology: a gateway to novel predictive markers and therapeutic targets in breast cancer

– Rieger, Jana – Portable Swallowing Therapy Unit: Using Innovative Technology to Provide Accessible Care for Head and Neck Cancer Patients with Chronic Swallowing Difficulties

– Tremblay, Alain – Alberta Lung Cancer Screening Program