Lab Canada

R&D projects get funding in PEI

Charlottetown, PEI – Prince Edward Island Research and Development Initiative has announced the projects that are receiving support in its current round of funding.

“The government of Prince Edward Island is pleased to invest in local researchers who are working to commercialize their products and services,” said Richard Brown, development and technology minister, in making the announcement. “These successful applicants demonstrate the range of research taking place in Prince Edward Island and our commitment to these emerging sectors of our economy.”

The following projects were approved:

1) Atlantic AgriTech, Lead Researcher: Mr Steve Howatt. Project Title: Identification and Development of Bioactive Compounds for Crop Production.

2) UPEI/AVC – Dept of Pathology and Microbiology – Mollusk Health Laboratory. Lead Researchers: Dr Gerry Johnson & Dr Franck Berthe. Project Title: Development of a Clam Fragility Assay: an Innovative Tool for EcoSystem Health Assessment

3) Justice Knowledge Network (JKN) – Holland Collage. Lead Researchers: Ms Nadine Sutcliffe and Ms Shirley Rice. Project Title: Development of an Electronic SIDS Awareness Course.

4) Neurydyn Inc. Lead Researcher: Dr Denis Kay. Project Title: Development and characterization of a GLP Compliant Pre-clinical Testing platform for the Evaluation of Potential Neuroprotective Therapies.

5) Graphic Communications Group Inc. Lead Researcher – Mr Dean Johnstone. Project Title: Development of a Proprietary IT Software Program for Fund-raising.

6) Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. Lead Researchers: Ms Kelly Galloway and Mr Iain Galloway. Project Titles: Development of an Intelligent Valve Monitor for Waste Water and Irrigation systems; a Liquid Level Measuring Device using Sensor Technology for Wastewater Dispersal Trenches; and a Wireless Product Information Kiosk

The government says the Research and Development Initiative will soon be renewed for another round of funding.