Lab Canada

$138.3M for 137 new Canada research chairs announced

Calgary, AB – April 5, 2004 – The federal government today announced $138.3 million in funding for 137 new Canada research chairs. At a special ceremony at the University of Calgary, Minister Robillard praised the contributions of university researchers and emphasized the importance of their work for Canada and its performance internationally.

“Research and development is key to Canada’s future in the global economy – through initiatives such as the chairs program, we are doing what is necessary to ensure that Canada reaches its goal of becoming, by 2010, one of the world’s top five countries in research and development,” says Lucienne Robillard, minister of industry.

Of the new chairs announced, 56 or 41% are coming from abroad, either as returning expatriates or as international researchers coming to Canada for the first time. Sixty-three universities across the country now host Canada research chairs.

Today’s funding includes $121.6 million from the Canada Research Chairs Program with an additional $16.7 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation to provide the infrastructure support necessary for chairholders to carry out their research.

Chairs awarded today that are science research-related are listed below. Funding for these projects totals approximately $94 million. These new chairs include:
– Andrade, Miguel, University of Ottawa, Bioinformatics, $500K
– Bai, Donglin, University of Western Ontario, Cellular Communication, $500K
– Ballermann, Barbara, University of Alberta, Endothelial Cell Biology, $1.4M
– Barbeau, Benoit, Universit du Qubec Montral, Human Retrovirology, $500K
– Barth, Johannes, University of British Columbia, Molecular Nanoscience and Engineering, $500K
– Barton, Jason, University of British Columbia, Neuropsychology of Vision and Eye Movements, $500K
– Bell, Brendan B, Universit de Sherbrooke, Gene Expression Mechanisms in Human Pathogenesis, $500K
– Benkel, Bernhard, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Agricultural Genomics, $1.4M
– Bennewitz, Roland, McGill University, Experimental Nanomechanics, $500K
– Berninger, Frank A, Universit du Qubec Montral, Forest Productivity, $500K
– Ber, Franck, University of Prince Edward Island, Aquatic Health Science: Mollusc Health, $500K
– Borden, Karine, Universit de Montral, Molecular Biology of Cell Nucleus, $1.4M
– Cashman, Neil, University of British Columbia, Neurodegeneration and Protein Misfolding Diseases, $1.4M
– Chambers, Christine, Dalhousie University, Pain and Child Health, $500K
– Chau, Tom, University of Toronto, Intelligent Systems in Multidisciplinary Pediatric Rehabilitation, $500K
– Chen, Jing, University of Toronto, Ecosystem-Atmospheric Interaction, $1.4M
– Chipman, Hugh, Acadia University, Mathematical Modelling, $500K
– Chow, Robert L, University of Victoria, Retinal and Early Eye Development, $500K
– Clerk, Aashish, McGill University, Theoretical Mesoscopic Physics, $500K
– Cook, Erik, McGill University, Physiology of Visual Perception, $500K
– Cook, Linda S, University of Calgary, Cancer Epidemiology, $500K
– Craig, Ann Marie, University of British Columbia, Neurobiology, $1.4M
– Croy, Barbara Anne, Queen’s University, Reproduction, Development, and Sexual Function, $1.4M
– de Guise, Jacques A, Universit du Qubec, cole de technologie suprieure, 3D Imaging and Biomedical Engineering, $1.4M
– Dennis, James W, University of Toronto, Glycobiology, $1.4M
– Dozois, Charles, Universit du Qubec, Institut national de recherche scientifique, Infectious Bacterial Diseases, $500K
– Drucker, Daniel J, University of Toronto, Regulatory Peptides, $1.4M
– Duong, Franck, University of British Columbia, Prokaryotic Membrane Biology, $500K
– Ellenbogen, Mark A, Concordia University, Developmental Psychopathology, $500K
– Feng, James, University of British Columbia, Complex Fluids and Interfaces, $500K
– Fortier, Louis, Universit Laval, Response of Arctic Marine Ecosystems to Climate Change, $1.4M
– Frankland, Paul W, University of Toronto, Integrative Biology, $500K
– Frappier, Lori D, University of Toronto, Molecular Virology, $1.4M
– Fraser, Lauchlan, University College of Cariboo, Community and Ecosystem Ecology, $500K
– Frchette, Luc G, Universit de Sherbrooke, Energy Conversion Microsystems, $500K
– Funk, Colin, Queen’s University, Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological Medicine, $1.4M
– Graziani, Edmund I, University of Prince Edward Island, Bioresource Innovation: Natural Products Chemistry, $500K
– Hackett, Rick, McMaster University, Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, $1.4M
– Hammond, Geoffrey, University of British Columbia, Reproductive Health, $1.4M
– Hickey, Donal, Concordia University, Genome Evolution, $1.4M
– Hoang, Trang, Universit de Montral, Cell Differentiation and Genetics of Acute Leukemias, $1.4M
– Ikura, Mitsuhiko, University of Toronto, Structural Biology, $1.4M
– Jones, Dylan, University of Toronto, Atmospheric Physics, $500K
– Josselyn, Sheena A, University of Toronto, Molecular and Cellular Cognition, $500K
– Julian, Stephen, University of Toronto, Low Temperature Physics, $1.4M
– Keith, David, University of Calgary, Energy and Environment, $1.4M
– King, Allan, University of Guelph, Animal Reproductive Biotechnology, $1.4M
– Klip, Amira, University of Toronto, Cell Biology of Insulin Action, $1.4M
– Knight, Darryl, University of British Columbia, Airway Disease, $500K
– Konermann, Lars, University of Western Ontario, Protein Folding and Biological Mass Spectrometry, $500K
– Koubaa, Ahmed, Universit du Qubec en Abitibi-Tmiscamingue, Wood Development, Characterization and Processing, $500K
– Ladizhansky, Vladimir, University of Guelph, Biophysics, $500K
– Liu, Guojun, Queen’s University, Materials Science, $1.4M
– Ma, Bin, University of Western Ontario, Bioinformatics, $500K
– MacDonald, Justin, University of Calgary, Smooth Muscle Pathophysiology, $500K
– Magistretti, Pierre, McGill University, Psychiatric Neuroscience, $1.4M
– Maldague, Xavier, Universit Laval, Multipolar Infrared Vision, $1.4M
– McDonald, John, Simon Fraser University, Cognitive Neuroscience, $500K
– Mears, Alan, University of Ottawa, Genetics of Eye, $500K
– Melo, Luis G, Queen’s University, Molecular Cardiology, $500K
– Meloche, Sylvain, Universit de Montral, Cellular Signalling, $1.4M
– Miller, Freda D, University of Toronto, Developmental Neurobiology, $1.4M
– Mittler, Silvia K, University of Western Ontario, Photonics of Surfaces and Interfaces, $1.4M
– Morin, Charles M, Universit Laval, Sleeping Disorders, $1.4M
– Morsill, Carmel, McMaster University, Radiobiology, $1.4M
– Mousseau, Normand, Universit de Montral, Computational Physics of Complex Materials, $500K
– Oser, Scott M, University of British Columbia, Solar Neutrinos, $500K
– Paterson, Barbara, University of New Brunswick, Chronic Illness, $1.4M
– Perreault, Claude W, Universit de Montral, Immunobiology, $1.4M
– Pilkington, Melanie, Brock University, Canada Research Chairs in Novel Hybrid Materials, $500K
– Rajora, Om P, University of New Brunswick, Forest Genomics, Biotechnology, and Conservation Genetics, $1.4M
– Regan, Sharon M, Queen’s University, Fundamental Plant Biology, $500K
– Rivest, Louis-Paul, Universit Laval, Statistical Sampling and Data Analysis, $1.4M
– Rotin, Daniela, University of Toronto, Ubiquitination and Phosphorylation of Proteins, $1.4M
– Rowe, Locke, University of Toronto, Evolutionary Ecology, $1.4M
– Roy, Ren, Universit du Qubec Montral, Therapeutic Chemistry, $1.4M
– Salter, Michael W, University of Toronto, Neuroplasticity and Pain, $1.4M
– Sauvageau, Guy GS, Universit de Montral, Molecular Genetics of Normal and Cancer Stem Cells, $1.4M
– Scott, Jamie K, Simon Fraser University, Molecular Immunity, $1.4M
– Scrosati, Ricardo A, St Francis Xavier University, Aquatic Ecology, $500K
– S
ervio, Phillip D, McGill University, Gas Hydrates, $500K
– Shalev, Uri, Concordia University, Neurobiology of Drug Abuse, $500K
– Sin, Don D, University of British Columbia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, $500K
– Sivakumar, Narayanswamy, Concordia University, Laser Metrology and Laser Micromachining, $500K
– Slater, Gregory F, McMaster University, Environmental Isotope Biogeochemistry, $500K
– Stroman, Patrick W, Queen’s University, Imaging Physics, $500K
– Thibault, Pierre, Universit de Montral, Proteomics and Bioanalytical Spectrometry, $1.4M
– Todorcevic, Stevo, University of Toronto, Analytic Topology, $1.4M
– Tse, John, University of Saskatchewan, Materials Science, $1.4M
– Vallance, Bruce A, University of British Columbia, Pediatric Gastroenterology, $500K
– Vincter, Manuella G, Carleton University, Particle Physics, $500K
– Vocadlo, David JE, Simon Fraser University, Chemical Glycobiology, $500K
– Wallace, John L, University of Calgary, Inflammation Research, $1.4M
– Wilds, Christopher J, Concordia University, Biological Chemistry, $500K
– Wilkinson, David, University of British Columbia, Clean Energy Fuel Cell Technology, $1.4M
– Yong, V Wee, University of Calgary, Neuroimmunology, $1.4M
– Zeng, Yong Y, Concordia University, Design Science, $500K
– Zhong, Zhen (Robert), University of Western Ontario, Transplantation and Experimental Surgery, $1.4M
– Zhu, Jingxu JZ, University of Western Ontario, Powder Technology Applications, $1.4M